Isfahan, Irã - A cidade de Isfahan foi duas vezes a capital da Pérsia. Isfahan floresceu mais sob a dinastia Safávida do século XVI ao XVIII, quando seus melhores monumentos foram criados. Isfahan é um dos centros arquitetônicos mais importantes do mundo islâmico. Existem 3 Patrimônios Mundiais da UNESCO em Isfahan: Praça Naqsh-e Jahan, Masjed-e Jame e o Jardim Persa (representado em Isfahan por Chehel Sotoun). (Crédito da foto:
Principais locais no vídeo: Praça Naghsh-e Jahan (Meidan Emam) (0:00), Palácio Ali Qapu (1:56), Chehel Sotoun (2:39), Palácio Hasht Behesht (3:57), Mesquita Jameh (Masjed-e Jame) (4:13), Ponte Khaju (5:10), Catedral Vank (5:50), Mesquita Sheikh Lotfollah (7:06), Mesquita Real (Mesquita Shah, Masjid-i-Shah) (7h34), Ponte Si-O-Se-Pol (9h42), Casa Motamedi (10h13).
Isfahan, Iran - The city of Isfahan was twice the capital of Persia. Isfahan flourished most under the Safavid dynasty from the 16th to the 18th century when its finest monuments were created. Isfahan is one of the most important architectural centers in the Islamic world. There are 3 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Isfahan: Naqsh-e Jahan Square, Masjed-e Jame, and The Persian Garden (represented in Isfahan by Chehel Sotoun).
Main locations in the video: Naghsh-e Jahan (Meidan Emam) square (0:00), Ali Qapu Palace (1:56), Chehel Sotoun (2:39), Hasht Behesht Palace (3:57), Jameh Mosque (Masjed-e Jame) (4:13), Khaju Bridge (5:10), Vank Cathedral (5:50), Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque (7:06), Royal Mosque (Shah Mosque, Masjid-i-Shah) (7:34), Si-O-Se-Pol Bridge (9:42), Motamedi House (10:13).
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